Dallas Ideas

Logo & UI Design

Design a platform to gather, track and respond to citizen's ideas of improving the City of Dallas. Topics range from budget & finance, transportation & infrastructure, neighborhood & community and more. Worked with stakeholders, UX designers and developers from conception to final launch. Helped create user stories for citizens, visitors, businesses and department employees of the City. Also conducted usability tests during the iterative process.

Role: UI Designer
Programs: Sketch, Illustrator & Photoshop
Year: 2016

User Story Samples:
As a user I want to search for ideas so that I can see if my idea is original or not.

As a City employee I want to respond to citizen's ideas so that I can notify them of the progress of their idea.

As a business owner I want to submit ideas regarding public safety so that my customers feel safe visiting my store downtown.

Initial Prototype Tested
A mockup of the goals page which lists each goal with a status and quick description

Feedback Example: The left side navigation didn't stay out to most of the users. Or it was getting lost on the page because of the top navigation for the main Dallas City Hall website. Based on feedback we removed the DCH menu items and reduced the top header for "Back to City Hall's Website". And darken the left side navigation. This change in our second session was positive. We didn't receive the initial complaints from session one about the navigation.

Final UI Mockups
Left Arrow Icon